I’m a graphic designer by day, and sewing enthusiast by night. I’ve been fortunate to have a creative career that has inspired me to continue creating after hours.
Once upon a time, my husband and I learned how to make glass beads and started selling them at art fairs. I loved making the beads and jewelry but I slowly transitioned to sewing when I needed some decorative props for our display at an art fair. The glue gun just wasn’t cutting it anymore, and I thought, ‘how hard can it be to sew down this edge???’
So I bought a sewing machine and called upon my 7th grade Home Economics course where I had learned the basics through such projects as the ‘stuffed dolphin’ and the sundress. That was enough to get started; the rest I have learned from online tutorials and experimentation. Purses were the natural choice for my first product – not surprising since I have been known to dream about them.
At the same time I came upon a great resource that offered second-hand fabric at amazing prices - perfect for experimentation. Combined with my finds from garage sales and thrift stores, I had enough fabric to make anything I wanted. Who knew it would also be so eco-friendly... I started upcycling and have never bought 'new' fabric again!
Why Studio23? Well, the number 23 has always been special to me because it’s the day of my birthday as well as both of my parents’ birthdays. And then I met my husband, and guess what day his birthday is? You guessed it – 23. Now it’s one of those things where I notice the number 23 everywhere. So, why not ‘Studio23’?
Thanks for visiting.
My Studio
My favorite place in the house is my basement studio. Multi-tasking bonus: it doubles as our laundry room!